Saturday, December 8, 2007


This morning, which is night in the Philippines, Bob and his other housemates were startled by a loud boom. It turns out that terrorists placed a bomb in a ballot box in an official building in a town nearby. From what Bob knows, nobody was hurt and they are not in any real danger. He also said that small bombings like this and kidnappings for ransom are normal occurrences in the area. But it is obviously a little scary and it is hard to know if or when they could become more bold in their attempts. Please just keep Bob and all of our troops across the globe in your thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Bob's Room
The kitchen

Bob's home for 6 months
Bob said that they live like kings compared to others around there. Pretty amazing, huh? At least they have air conditioning and running water.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Now in Kansas

Some of my family at Thanksgiving I know it has been awhile, but things have been crazy. I was preparing for the move, working a lot, and then once I got to Kansas I didn't have real internet until today. So, here is what is going on with us. I just moved to Lawrence, Kansas for about 5-6 months so I can be around friends and family to have Baby Tristen. I got home the day before Thanksgiving and then spent the weekend with lots of my family. I also went shopping early Friday morning and bought way more stuff than I should have. :) Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment with a primary care physician so I can get a referral to an obstetrician, and then hopefully I will be able to get in to see them later this week.

Here is a post from Bob when he first got to the Philippines:

"So finally got here in the Philippines, have to adjust to living with three other people in one room, and work/live in an area about the same size as half of a city block. Other than that, life is good. Don't have to cook for the next six months, not even ramen, and no laundary neither, only thing that I need to do is work. Kind of like prison when thinking about it. Weather is decent but not great, hot and humid, pretty much the exact opposite of Colorado Springs right now. That's right, I'm the guy that bitches about weather on a tropical island. Work should be pretty cool, mainly project management (50+ projects are slated to start sometime within the next 6 months in my area of responsibility) and maybe some rudimentary design. "

Since then, he has moved to another island and is living in a house with 6 or 7 Army guys. He has his own room now, they take turns cooking dinner, and they have a cleaning lady. He is on a Philippine military base where there are chickens, cows and geckos running all around. He also said that he had a couple little kids shine his boots for a couple bucks. I will keep you posted and hopefully have some pictures from Bob soon.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

New Blog

Hi everyone! I decided that I should start a blog to keep everyone up to date on what is going on with our family. Bob is currently deployed and I'm pregnant, so we should have some interesting news and pictures in the near future.