Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I can't stop shopping! These after Christmas/end of season sales are just too good. :) I keep finding cute clothes at really good prices and I can't help myself. I'm not really buying much more newborn or 0-3 month stuff, but I feel like I have to get him some 9-12 month winter stuff for next year. I know it is hard to tell what size they will be wearing, (I have one friend whose baby is 6 months old and already wearing double her size and another friend whose daughter is wearing smaller sizes) but I guess I'm just hoping he will be average sized. Otherwise, he might just have to wear a couple tight or baggy outfits. Now I just need to get the little stuff washed, organized, and ready to wear. I am also going to have to decide what he will wear for his hospital pictures, coming home outfit, etc. And someday I hope to have a girl too, because I really want to get all the frilly dresses and stuff. At least I didn't go crazy and buy a bunch of those, yet. :)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Me, a Mom?

So, I am nervous. I am going to be a mommy soon. I have always wanted to be a mom and people have said that I will make a good mom, but now I feel like I will have no clue what to do. I used to be around babies a lot! My cousins when they were little, babysitting, the church nursery, and I used to teach preschool Sunday school. But all of that was quite a while ago, and I only had the kids for a few hours at a time. Now, I am going to be responsible for my own little one, 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week! Who is allowing this? I'm convinced they must be crazy. But I guess everything will be okay. I probably won't be the worst mom ever. And the fact that I'm addressing the issue at least means I am aware of what a big deal it is. I am also really grateful that I have supportive friends and family to help me out, too. :)

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you have a wonderful 2008!

Okay, okay, okay...so I haven't exactly been keeping up with this, but I will try to do better. Things are going pretty well for us, we have had two baby showers and have almost everything we need for little baby Tristen. I had an ultrasound on January 4th (34 weeks) and here are a couple pictures. They aren't great quality, but you can basically see his profile. :)